dimarts, 25 de juny del 2013


While waiting for my parents, I was fixing to go through London. I did not know what to wear. Eventually I found a style clothes Selena Gomez so I put it on.
When my parents finally arrived. After 1 hour and 45 minutes.
- What good are here! - Said
- We bring good news - my mother said
- If? Which! Tell me-tell cheerful
- These guys like you have accepted our offer! Now go you and us, everyone, with his tour! - Said my father
- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH! And the think me the present? - You said nervous
- Now. We have said that we have to take something with them and that we get to know - my mother said
- And we have told you we had and have found perfect nocotros you to come with and we come for you - your father said.
- Come on, come on, are you waiting for? - Said


At that time you had no choice, since you loved the five. You came to a restaurant called Nando's. You could not believe they were there sitting, laughing, joking. Entraisteis 3.
Louis I saw you come in and yelled for you were of where they were. You came and you sat down.
-Ho .. Hey - you said very shy
- Hello, my name is Louis and I am the largest group - said
- Hello, my name is Harry and I am the little - said
- Hi, I'm Liam and I'm the middle lol - said
- Hello, I'm Zayn and I'm the second-largest said Vas 'happenin'? lol
- Hello, and I'm Niall, I'm between Liam and Harry - said
You stayed looking at Niall. You stayed with her gaze lost. Your parents got up to go for some food, so you stay alone with them. Do not know what to do or say. So at that time your mobile rings. Was your only friend Monica. You took it quickly.
- Hello _________ (TN)! Monica said
- Hello! - Said surprised
- How about there? - Said Monica
- Okay, now I can not speak - quietly said to not listen to you guys
- Why? - Said Monica
- Please do not shout, I'm with One Direction esque - said
- AAAAAAAAAAH! - Said Monica - And they're good?
- If ... Then we talk ok? - Said
- OK OK ... - Said Monica-bye
- Goodbye - said
You turned off the mobile. Everyone was talking but Niall looked at you. No case were you doing it.
-________ (TN) Who was it? - Ask Harry
- A friend from Spain - said.
- Oh that Spanish but I can not? - Ask Zayn
- S. .. Si-said
Niall loves Spain. When you said you were from Spain was surprised.

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